4175 Elida Road Lima, Oh 45807
Stop in or call for a quote today.
Stop in or call for a quote today.
Pools n More is proud to serve our community.
Pools n More is proud to serve our community.
Pools n More gladly considers all requests for donations for the purposes of raising funds for registered charitable organizations. Fill out the form below to have your request reviewed. You may also e-mail flyers or publications about your event to bestpoolstore@aol.com.
Pools n More gladly considers all requests for donations for the purposes of raising funds for registered charitable organizations. Fill out the form below to have your request reviewed. You may also e-mail flyers or publications about your event to bestpoolstore@aol.com.
We support
The American Cancer Society
St. Judes Children's Hospital
The Muscular Dystrophy Association
Our local School Systems
Local Civic Clubs and Organizations
Various Christian Organizations
Rally Point
We support
The American Cancer Society
St. Judes Children's Hospital
The Muscular Dystrophy Association
Our local School Systems
Local Civic Clubs and Organizations
Various Christian Organizations
Rally Point
Every year we set aside merchandise, gift certificates and budgeted monetary contributions that are designated to be donated to charitable causes. We get requests several times a week for these donations. Although we would like to consider everyone's cause, it simply isn't possible, so please accept our apologies and prayers if our donations are fully depleted.
Every year we set aside merchandise, gift certificates and budgeted monetary contributions that are designated to be donated to charitable causes. We get requests several times a week for these donations. Although we would like to consider everyone's cause, it simply isn't possible, so please accept our apologies and prayers if our donations are fully depleted.
Contact Information
Contact Information
(419) 331-7900
LIMA, OHIO 45807